Client Council
The management of the GP Emergency Post highly values patient involvement and opportunities for them to share their thoughts in order to improve the quality of care. The Wet medezeggenschap cliënten zorginstellingen (WMCZ, Participation Clients of Care Institutions Act) is a perfect match for this and gives all institutions a legal basis to establish a client council. That is why we decided to set up a Client Council for the Maastricht and Heuvelland GP Emergency Post in 2022.
The purpose of the Client Council is to represent the common interests of clients. We take the views of all people living in the region into account with regard to how the GP Emergency Post carries out its tasks. After all, any resident could become a patient at the GP Emergency Post at any time. The Client Council has the legal authority to give solicited and unsolicited advice to the management on subjects that are of importance to clients. Examples of this include provision of information to patients, protection of privacy, and the complaints procedure. The GP Emergency Post’s board and the Client Council hold regular meetings on this topic.
The Client Council focuses on the general interest of patients who make use of the care provided under the responsibility of the Maastricht and Heuvelland GP Emergency Post. The council has opportunities to think about and discuss a wide range of issues. If you have suggestions for improving the quality of care and communication with regard to this topic, we invite you to contact the client council.
The Client Council currently consists of five members. These members represent clients from the entire catchment area of the Maastricht and Heuvelland GP Emergency Post and have no substantive or business links with the GP Emergency Post.
John Wintjens, chair
Koos Munnecom, secretary
Trudy Dolmans
Tjeu Kaelen
Annemiek Wijnheijmer
You can contact the Client Council by filling in the form below. Your question/remark will be discussed at the next council meeting. We will then provide you with a substantive answer. Please note: The Client Council does not address complaints about GPs on duty or other employees of the GP Emergency Post. You can find more information about submitting a complaint on this page.