How does the doctor get to the right address as quickly as possible?
The drivers of the doctor on duty have a great deal of knowledge of the region. In addition, the cars are equipped with a navigation system that shows the way.
The drivers of the doctor on duty have a great deal of knowledge of the region. In addition, the cars are equipped with a navigation system that shows the way.
The drivers of the GP on duty are allowed to use a flashing light and a siren in cases when time is of the essence and a person’s life is in danger and the doctor needs to reach the patient as quickly as possible. In principle, as is the case with ambulances, the doctor should […]
The drivers of the GP on duty are very familiar with and knowledgeable about the region. The cars are also equipped with a navigation system.
If you cannot be transported to the GP Emergency Post for medical reasons, a GP will visit you at home. The GP will be brought by a driver who can also provide medical assistance. The driver has been given special training for this role. For instance, at the instructions of the doctor, the driver can […]
This depends on the judgement of the patient’s condition. In cases requiring real urgency – for instance if the patient’s life is or could be in danger – the rule is applied that a medical expert must arrive within 15 minutes. This could be the GP on duty at the GP Emergency Post or it […]
No. Not having transport is not a reason to send the emergency doctor on duty. Patients must take care of their own transport. The GP on duty will only visit the patient at home if transport is not possible for medical reasons.